Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How time flies when you're having fun!

It has been nearly a month already?!

No surprise considering how busy we’ve been in the office. Emphasis has been on promoting our home season performance to old and new friends in the Bay area. AXIS had a table at the Rookridge Out and About Festival and what a great chance this was to meet local supporters and get the word out about the piece ODD premiering this November. Check out http://axisdance.org/performance.php for more info on reserving YOUR ticket to this exciting new piece! It was a beautiful sunny day and thank-you to all those who signed up to our email updates and stopped by for a chat- we hope you enjoyed the candy found in Bonnie’s hat!

Rehearsals for ODD with Shinichi Iova-Koga have picked up recently and you can feel the energy from the studio all the way down in the office. I’ve been snapping some good shots of rehearsals and even had the pleasure to join in one day. Shinichi’s choreography is Butoh inspired and it was a great chance for me to remember a week’s workshop I undertook with Marie Gabrielle-Roti over a year ago at NSCD.

Another highlight for me was Dance Access Day last Thursday. Annika, Education Director, was sorely missed at the event however Christy, I and the fabulous volunteers got 800 children and adults through the Malonga Center’s doors and all enjoyed 3 great performances by the Company. They did a great job and it was a pleasure to finally see the company in action. AXIS engage with young people in a way I have never seen before and I’m sure all the children who joined in with the improvisation task loved their taste of the big stage!. I definitely enjoyed watching and was itching to get up there with them!

The Company is currently in Lincoln, NE touring and I hope the itinerary we’ve drawn up all goes to plan. In the meantime I’m off to explore the beautiful Californian wilderness at Yosemite National Park this weekend- maybe I need some good luck not being an experienced camper!

As for future trips it’s nearly my Birthday and I’ll be taking a trip to wine country to volunteer at BORP’s (Bay Area Recreational Program) REVOLUTION fundraising event in Sonoma County. My housemate Sam Marks and AXIS’s own Bonnie Lewkowicz will be riding in the event and then we’ll all have a chance to enjoy the festivities afterwards. Find out more information at http://www.borp.org/revolution/index.php. I am looking forward to the event, my first Motel stay and a day of wine tasting on the Sunday! If you can’t make it up to support BORP then make sure to come and say hi to Christy and our board members tabling at the Spice of Life Festival, Berkeley on October 17th!

I am also taking part in a walk for Hydrocephalus October 24th in San Francisco run by The Hydrocephalus Association. My housemate, an avid AXIS supporter, has Hydrocephalus and if you could spare a few dollars to sponsor us then please visit: http://walk4hydro.org.kintera.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=435322&lis=1&kntae435322=3539C63A1BF64E72A55AAABFD9A3149F&supId=305436156. I would like to take this opportunity to thank AXIS for their very kind donation!

Thank-you and cheerio for now!

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