Friday, April 8, 2011

Saying Goodbye To Winter Intern: Marguerite

Wow - my last day at AXIS Dance Company! How time flies. Seems like I just arrived a month ago yet a full three months has gone by. I feel integrated into the weekly office functioning and now it is time to go. Reflecting back on the last three months, I feel a sense of accomplishment.

A few highlights: I have learned a tremendous amount regarding the ins and outs of setting up performance events, from flight arrangements to venue, hotel and presenter coordination. I have also dabbled quite a lot in the marketing of upcoming events. This has involved internet research and write-ups - two things I love to do! On a more practical end, I have helped to organize a couple of important office functions, like the music library and Annika's desktop space. I have also learned how to use a Mac! While this may seem trivial to some, to me it is an accomplishment I am now proud to add to my list.

On the more unusual office skills side, I have had a chance to be a part of the finalization of the curtain installation process! Yay, for completion! Thanks to Annika and Christy for getting lighter curtains, a suitable curtain rod and deciding to go for it! And what a wall we had to work with. Try hanging a curtain rod on a wall base of tin, drywall and cement. Needless to say, we had fun!

On the per-formative side, I have really enjoyed watching rehearsals and participating in the Monday Night Master Classes. I am also enjoying the Professional Teacher Training in Arts Integration. And on a personal note, I have started taking risks previously often avoided in dance. I am learning how to access choreography! This is a tremendous accomplishment for me, one that leaves me feeling really satisfied. I am continuously amazed at the parallels of learning choreography and other aspects of life. I am dyslexic. Determining left from right, up from down, flip-side from downside etc. can be really challenging for me. Because of the acceptance I encountered both in office and on the AXIS dance floor, I now feel a sense of inner integration and greater self-awareness. I have learned to handle and recognize many aspects of a learning disability previously frustrated by. Thank you AXIS!!!

All in all, my experience with AXIS Dance Company has been tremendous! Many thanks! See you on the dance floor!
